Delta Air Lines has just announced its membership as one of 37 founding companies that have joined to form ‘OneTen’, a coalition of powerful American businesses committed to creating a more just, equitable society. OneTen’s collective aim is to see one million Black Americans recruited, hired and trained for sustainable employment, complete with advancement opportunities, over the next ten years.

“Effecting change in the world starts in our own back yard,” said Delta CEO Ed Bastian. “At Delta, we have committed to refining our talent strategy and establishing measurable goals as we continue our work to create a more diverse and inclusive airline that reflects the world we serve. Joining like-minded companies through the OneTen coalition is another opportunity to be an active participant in positive progress.”
The newly established OneTen coalition is comprised of leading companies that hail from a range of industries, all of which share a commitment to ensure that equal opportunities for career success are extended to Black Americans with the proper skills and aptitude to succeed. The organization seeks to create a more flexible and diverse talent pipeline by cultivating connections between major employers, and the nation’s skill-credentialing organizations and leading non-profits.
“The importance of representation at every level within companies cannot be underestimated,” remarked Keyra Lynn Johnson, Delta’s Chief Diversity & Inclusion Officer. “Our partnership with OneTen will ensure Delta is helping to close the workforce representation gaps we see in our company and in society. In addition, understanding that OneTen has the potential to generate $1 billion of wealth in a decade, we have an opportunity to help close the wealth gaps that have existed for far too long.”
Delta’s inclusion in the newly-formed coalition followed close upon the heels of its CEO’s recent commitment to increasing representation for Black employees. Among the actionable diversity policies being implemented are:
—Requiring that all hiring slates and interview panels reflect diversity.
—Removing qualification barriers for roles that do not require college degrees, allowing equal consideration for experience or certifications, which are more equitably accessible.
—Expanding recruiting efforts to include more Historically Black Colleges and Universities, while requiring all schools where we recruit to have strong diversity and inclusion plans.
—Joining forces with coalitions like the One Million Jobs Initiative and working alongside other employers to provide one million good jobs over the next ten years.
—Strengthening corporate internship, MBA and pipeline-development programs to increase opportunities for future Black professionals.
“I’m thankful for the opportunity to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with other CEOs and organizations who are dedicated to making meaningful, measurable and lasting systemic impact on racial and economic justice,” Bastian said. “In support of OneTen’s work to make opportunities more accessible, fair and equitable, we also are ensuring Delta is well-positioned to access the readily available and growing diverse talent in the market.”
In January 2021, OneTen will begin working with its partner companies on ways to improve their workplace inclusivity practices and will begin connecting partner employers with out-of-the-box talent providers shortly thereafter.
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